The Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
|oCDeliveryReportCbDelivery Report callback class
|oCPartitionerCbPartitioner callback class
|oCPartitionerKeyPointerCbVariant partitioner with key pointer
|oCEventCbEvent callback class
|oCEventEvent object class as passed to the EventCb callback
|oCConsumeCbConsume callback class
|oCRebalanceCbKafkaConsunmer: Rebalance callback class
|oCOffsetCommitCbOffset Commit callback class
|oCSocketCbPortability: SocketCb callback class
|oCOpenCbPortability: OpenCb callback class
|oCConfConfiguration interface
|oCHandleBase handle, super class for specific clients
|oCTopicTopic handle
|oCMessageTimestampMessage timestamp object
|oCMessageMessage object
|oCQueueQueue interface
|oCKafkaConsumerHigh-level KafkaConsumer (for brokers 0.9 and later)
|oCConsumerSimple Consumer (legacy)
|oCBrokerMetadataMetadata: Broker information
|oCPartitionMetadataMetadata: Partition information
|oCTopicMetadataMetadata: Topic information
|\CMetadataMetadata container
oCrd_kafka_err_descError code value, name and description. Typically for use with language bindings to automatically expose the full set of librdkafka error codes
oCrd_kafka_group_infoGroup information
oCrd_kafka_group_listList of groups
oCrd_kafka_group_member_infoGroup member information
oCrd_kafka_message_tA Kafka message as returned by the rd_kafka_consume*() family of functions as well as provided to the Producer dr_msg_cb()
oCrd_kafka_metadata_broker_tBroker information
oCrd_kafka_metadata_partition_tPartition information
oCrd_kafka_metadata_tMetadata container
oCrd_kafka_metadata_topic_tTopic information
oCrd_kafka_topic_partition_list_tA growable list of Topic+Partitions
\Crd_kafka_topic_partition_tTopic+Partition place holder